Kabar ini sungguh sangat mengejutkan bagi Saya dan Teman-Teman Saya. Pasalnya RawGit sendiri merupakan layanan CDN (Content Delivery Network) yang merupakan sebuah layanan untuk menghosting konten/script css, html, java script, dan lain sebagainya.
CDN ini cukup unik, karena Layanan ini terbilang sangat sederhana, karena kita tidak perlu melakukan registrasi untuk menggunakan RawGit, Saudara cukup letakan URL yang berasal dari repositori github, dan bum, seketika URL CDN Saudara dengan otomatis tergenerate dan bisa langsung dipakai.
Hasil generate dari RawGit akan ada 2 tipe URL CDN, pertama CDN untuk production dan yang kedua development. Hal ini sepertinya tidak perlu saya jelaskan panjang lebar, tentunya jika Saudara merupakan developer, pasti Saudara paham akan kedua hal tersebut.
Awal Saya mengetahui hal ini dari teman Saya yang mengatakan "RawGit akan segera tutup".
Saya pikir teman Saya bercanda karena beberapa bulan yang lalu teman Saya berkata "GitHub akan segera ditutup" dan ternyata itu hanya gurauan dan berita yang sebenarnya adalah Github dibeli oleh micosoft. dan setelah Saya cek di situs RawGit ternyata benar bahwa RawGit akan segera ditutup.
Berikut ini penjelasan dari situs resmi Rawgit
RawGit has reached the end of its useful life
October 8, 2018
GitHub repositories that served content through RawGit within the last month will continue to be served until at least October of 2019. URLs for other repositories are no longer being served.
If you're currently using RawGit, please stop using it as soon as you can.
What you should use instead
The following free services offer fantastic alternatives to some or all of RawGit's functionality. You may like them even more than RawGit.
Why this is happening
RawGit has always been a small hobby project. I've never been able to spend more than a handful of minutes a week on it, but it achieved a degree of popularity I could never have imagined.
Last month alone RawGit served over 4.2 billion requests and consumed more than 176 terabytes of bandwidth. Those numbers are simply unfathomable to me. They're almost too huge to be real.
Unfortunately, RawGit has also become an attractive distribution mechanism for malware. RawGit was meant to improve people's lives, but jerks are increasingly using it to hurt people.
Since I have almost no time to devote to fighting malware and abuse on RawGit (and since it would be no fun even if I did have the time), I feel the responsible thing to do is to shut it down. I would rather kill RawGit than watch it be used to hurt people.
Thank you!
To everyone who has contributed to RawGit over the years, or who has said nice things to me about it, or who has just used it without being a jerk: thank you. I've learned a lot, and I've mostly enjoyed it. I hope you have too.
— Ryan Grove (@yaypie)
Dan dari Akun Twitter Rawgit
Jika Saudara memiliki CDN di RawGit dan ingin pindah ke layanan CDN lainnya, Saya sarankan Saudara memakai layanan Staticaly.Hi! RawGit is shutting down.— RawGit (@rawgit) October 8, 2018
Repos that served content through RawGit within the last month will continue to be served until 2019, but should migrate away as soon as possible. URLs for other repos are no longer being served.
More details: https://t.co/CeGyg052Q9
Berikut ini caranya:
1. Kunjungi link berikut https://www.staticaly.com/rawgit
2. Paste/tempelkan link CDN RawGit Saudara ke Staticaly
Atau juga bisa menggunakan cara simpel berikut ini:
1. Ganti link CDN Rawgit https://cdn.rawgit.com/ dengan link CDN Staticaly https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/
Saya segenap Admin Sering Update mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada RawGit yang sudah setia menyediakan layanan selama lima tahun. (JpX)